If you have any comments or questions you can e-mail from the e-mail form on the main website ParaSanctuary.
- Direction : North - the place of greatest darkness. Name of the North Wind - Boreas or Ophion.
- Energy : Receptive, Feminine.
- Signs : Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.
- Places : Caves, forests, valleys, fields, gardens, kitchens.
- Colors : Black, Green, Brown
- Nature : Fertile, nurturing, grounding. Grativity is a manifestation of Earth.
- Point of Life : Advanced Age.
- Times : Midnight, nighttime.
- Season : Winter - The time of darkness.
- Sense : Touch.
- Tools/Symbols : Pentacle, Pentagrams, Stones, Gems, Salt.
- Spirits : Gnomes and Trolls.
- Stones : Rock Crystal, Emeralds, Peridot, Onyx, Amethyst.
- Animals : Cow or Bull, Snakes, Dogs, Wolfs.
- Goddesses : Ceres, Demeter, Gaea, Persephone.
- Gods : Adonis, Dionysus, Pan.
Air / Wind
- Direction : East - Place of Sunrise. Name of the East Wind - Eurus.
- Energy : Projective, Masculine.
- Signs : Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.
- Places : Mountian tops, cloudy skies, windy beaches, high towers, schools, psychiatrist's offices.
- Colors : White, Bright Yellow, Crimson, Light Blue.
- Nature : Floating, movement, fresh, intelligent, suspending. Sound is a manifestation of Air.
- Point in Life : Infancy
- Time : Dawn
- Season : Spring - The time of freshness and renewal.
- Sense : Smell and Hearing.
- Tools/Symbols : Athame, Sword, Censer, Wand.
- Spirits : Faeries who inhabit the world of trees, flowers, winds, breezes, and mountians.
- Stones : Topaz, Crystal, Amethysts, Alexandrite, Yellow or Blue Stones.
- Animals : Birds, especially hawks and eagles; Insects, Spiders.
- Goddesses : Aradia, Arianrhod, Urania, Cardea.
- Gods : Thoth, Enlil, Kaeohera.
- Direction : South - the place of the greatest heat. South Wind - Notus.
- Energy : Projective, Masculine.
- Signs : Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.
- Places : Deserts, hot springs, volocanoes, fire places, ovens, bedrooms (for sex).
- Colors : Red, Gold, Crimson, Orange.
- Nature : Purifying, destruction, cleansing, energic, sexual, forceful. Heat is a manifestation of Fire.
- Point in Life : Youth
- Time : Noon
- Season : Summer - the time of heat
- Sense : Sight
- Tools/Symbols : Dagger, Censer, Candles, Knife, Lightning.
- Spirits : Salamanders, Firedrakes, the consciousness of flames.
- Stones : Fire Opal, Jasper, Lava, Ruby, Carnelian, Agates
- Animals : Fire breathing dragons, Lions, Snakes, Crickets, Scorpions, Phoenix.
- Goddesses : Bridgit, Hesta, Pele, Vesta.
- Gods : Hepaethus, Horus, Promtheus.
Water / Sea
- Direction : West - The place of the setting sun. West Wind - Zephyrus.
- Energy : Receptive, Feminine.
- Signs : Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.
- Places : Lakes, springs, wells, beaches, showers, bedrooms (for sleep).
- Colors : Blue, Blue-Green, Grey, Indigo, Black.
- Nature : Flowing, purifying, healing, soothing, loving, movement.
- Point in Life : Maturity
- Time : Twilight, Dusk
- Season : Autumn - The time of the harvest when rain showers the Earth.
- Tools/Symbols : Cup, Cauldron, Goblet, Mirrors, the Sea.
- Spirits : Mermaids and Mermen who live in the Sea, lakes, streams, and springs. Faeries who live near lakes, ponds, and streams.
- Stones : Aquarmarine, Amerthyst, Pearl, Coral, Blue Topaz, Lapis Lazuli.
- Animals : Dragons, Serpents, Dolphins, Fish, Cats, Frogs, Swans.
- Goddesses : Aphrodite, Isis, Mari, Tiamat.
- Gods : Ea, Osiris, Nuptune, Posedion.
I have to think about the description for this myself, because most websites that even acknowledge this as an element, recommend that you not use this or that it's impossible to use. It's possible that Spirit is the easiest to explain while at the same time it's the hardest. So I'm not really going to explain it. It's better for you to find the meaning yourself. I believe that Spirit is the strongest power that a person can possess, even though it is rare for anyone to have pure Spirit and know how to use it. Spirit, is basically everything, every element, every direction. It's the purest thing a person can possess. That doesn't mean that it's only good or only evil. It's whatever that person makes it.
If you would like more information or anything at all, please e-mail me. You can find the link to my address on the contact me page, on the main website, ParaSanctuary.
Energy : steady, rhythmic, grounded. The heartbeat of the Mother Earth.
Colors : green, brown, black, white
Goddesses : Athena: Goddess of Wisdom; Demeter: Goddess of Grain and Abundance.
Gods : Pan: God of Joy on Earth; Agla: Elemental King of Earth.
Animals : Owl: For sacred knowledge; Dragon: Symbol, Ritual magick; Stag Deer: Ritual or Ceremony, Authority.
Energy : swift, mercurial, changeable.
Colors : yellow, gold, turquoise blue, black, white
Goddesses : Athena: Goddess of Wisdom; Danu: Goddess of Creativity.
Gods : Budda: Teacher of Illumination; Mercury: God of Communication; Yod He Vawhe: Elemental King of Air.
Animals : Cats: Domestic and Predatory; Eagle: Philosophy, Ideals; Hawk: Focus, Perception.
Energy : quick, rapid fire.
Colors : red, orange, scarlet, black, white.
Goddesses : Pele: Purification and Upheavals; Bridget: Goddess of the inner flame of life and creation.
Gods : Mars: Strength and Conflict; Adona: Elemental King of Fire.
Animals : Tigers and Lions: Stress and Courage; Snakes: Protection; Mouse: For vulnerability and elusiveness, renewal and self-healing.
Energy : tidal-ebbs and flows, but never floods.
Colors : blue-green, aqua, blue, blue-grey, silver.
Goddesses : Hecate: Goddess of the Dark Moon; Selene: Goddess of the Full Moon; Arianihod: Celtic Goddess of the Moon and Earth.
Gods : Poseidon: God of Oceanic Consciousness and Psychic Flow.
Animals : Dolphins: For intelligence, love, peace, and serenity.