The Wiccan Holidays
- Yule : December 21. The Winter Solstice. The Celebration of the Sun's rebirth. One traditional Yuletide practice is the creation of the Yule tree. This can be a living, potted tree which can later be planted in the ground, or a cut one. Many also enjoy the custom of lighting the Yule log.
- Imbolic/Candlemas : February 2 (although it says in the picture February Eve). A fire festival. In olden times all new Witches were initiated at this time. Also another time to Celebrate the growing of the Sun's power.
- Spring Rite/Ostara : March 21. The Spring Equinox. The Celebration for fertility of man, crops, and animals. It's important at this time of year to plan a walk through gardens, a park, woodlands, forests and other green places. Celebrate life at this time of the year.
- Beltane : April 30 (May's Eve). If possible celebrate Beltane in a forest or near a living tree. Weaving and plaiting are traditional arts at this time of year, for the joining together of two substances to form a third is in the spirit of Beltane.
- Midsummer : June 21. Midsummer festival celebrating the Summer Solstice. Midsummer is practically the classic time to perform magicks of all kinds. Healing, love magick, and protections are especially suitable.
- Lughnasadh : August 1. Rites for increase in material supply.
- Autumn/Mabon : September 21. A celebration of Thanksgiving for the blessings of the year, for food, clothing, and shelter. A traditional practice is to walk wild places and forests, gathering seed pods and dried plants.
- Samhain/Hallowmas : October 31. Time to Celebrate in the name of those who have died this year. This is the time of the year when the spirits of the dead are closest to the physical plane, so if you wish to talk to those recently passed, now would be the time.